As a trusted health content creator, Baldwin proudly sponsors the 2025 Calendar of National Health Observances and Recognition Days for hospitals and health organizations.

When it comes to creating quality consumer-focused health content that aligns with national health observances, Baldwin Publishing has been leading the way for nearly 30 years. This monthly health content not only ties into important national awareness days, it also improves community understanding of health topics and encourages a healthier way of life.

That’s why Baldwin Publishing is proud to once again be the premier sponsor of the American Hospital Association’s 2025 Calendar of Health Observances and Recognition Days.

This health observance calendar that is sponsored by Baldwin every year is published by the Society of Healthcare Strategy and Market Development (SHSMD), the marketing arm of the American Hospital AssociationTM (AHA).

A national resource for hospitals and health organizations, this well-respected health observance calendar offers a comprehensive list of health awareness days, weeks and months throughout the year in an easy-to-use format.

SHSMD’s annual health days calendar assists healthcare professionals in planning their marketing, communications and human resource strategies for the year. A widely-used hospital resource, this handy health observance calendar can help with planning hospital and community events, employee recognition days and social media content.

The 2025 health observance calendar keeps health organizations in the know about highly publicized national health observances like National Blood Donor Month, as well as lesser-known health observances like Autism Acceptance Month. Human resource departments also find this calendar helpful for important healthcare employee recognition days like Physician Family Day, Cardiovascular Professionals Week and Oncology Nursing Month.

Marketing to the Community with National Health Observances

Many organizations find that sharing content that aligns with health awareness days increases engagement and is more likely to inspire people to schedule important screenings or doctor appointments. Don’t have enough time or resources to create engaging and informational content for health awareness days? Baldwin Publishing is here to help!

With almost 30 years of experience in providing content to hospitals and health organizations, Baldwin knows what patients and potential patients are interested in reading about on hospital websites, blogs and social media pages. Baldwin uses that knowledge to create more than 250 health articles, videos and graphics that align with important health days throughout the year.

Whether it’s an article about vaccines for Immunization Awareness Month, low sodium diet tips for World Stroke Day or a heart healthy recipe for Chili Month, Baldwin’s content is medically-reviewed for accuracy, making it a trusted marketing tool for health organizations both large and small.

Too busy to work on a marketing strategy for 2025? Baldwin has a marketing tool to simplify planning. This easy-to-use health awareness guide aligns user-friendly content with monthly health observances. Plus, this health content is available more than two months in advance for easy access to content for blogs, newsletters and social media.

Prefer to pick and choose health content to align with specific service lines or marketing campaigns? Baldwin also offers a health content library with thousands of articles on a wide range of topics, from wellness, fitness and nutrition to heart health, behavioral health, diabetes, oncology and more.

Ready to start planning next year’s marketing strategy? AHA’s 2025 Calendar of Health Observances and Recognition Days can be accessed here.

Need content that aligns with AHA’s 2025 health observance calendar or to promote service lines and other marketing initiatives? Contact us to learn more about how to license Baldwin’s trusted health content.

Looking for content to increase engagement on social media? Check out Baldwin’s calendar of healthy recipes for National Food Days.