Baldwin Publishing is now offering hospitals and surgery centers full access to bariatric health and wellness content libraries to use for patient education and marketing surgical services.

Baldwin Publishing’s newest content library houses nearly 500 articles on bariatric nutrition, surgical weight loss articles and tips, and bariatric meal plans and recipes with bariatric-friendly foods. These ready-to-publish weight loss articles, recipes and images can be downloaded, customized and shared on hospital websites, blogs, newsletters and social media.

As a national leader in content engagement solutions for more than 30 years, Baldwin Publishing is a trusted source for hospital health and wellness content. Each article in the Bariatric library has been reviewed by a medical professional or registered bariatric dietitian to ensure its accuracy, enabling hospitals and providers to share the content with confidence. Articles and recipes align with research and guidelines published in US medical journals.

Baldwin’s bariatric content covers a wide range of topics including healthy eating, diet, nutrition, exercise, lifestyle tips and common questions about surgery and weight loss drugs. Each article includes a high resolution image that’s sized for posting on blogs and all social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, X and LinkedIn.

Hospitals use Baldwin’s bariatric health and wellness content to educate and support weight loss surgery patients throughout their journey. Providing expert-reviewed bariatric content fosters patient engagement, helps improve long-term success rates for bariatric surgery patients and generates referrals from weight loss surgery patients. Regularly engaging with former patients on social media can reinforce trust in a hospital’s  bariatric program, while boosting online visibility and establishing the hospital as a leader in weight management care.

Bariatric Nutrition and Recipes

Here’s how hospitals use Baldwin’s bariatric health and wellness content:

  • Weight Loss Recipes and Bariatric Nutrition: Recipes comply with post-batriatric surgery diet guidelines, including bariatric-friendly foods to eat, reduced portion size guides and information on how to prevent nutritional deficiencies.
  • Exercise: Recommendations for the safest and most effective workouts to perform post-surgery for weight loss and muscle maintenance.
  • Recovery: Tips to help patients prepare for life after bariatric surgery, including emotional and behavioral health challenges and weight regain concerns.
  • Lifestyle Challenges: Address how to manage post-surgery side effects such as dehydration, food intolerances and dumping syndrome.

Become an ongoing source of helpful tips and information on bariatric surgery to ensure your patients feel supported throughout their journey, and encourage them to refer friends and family to use your hospital for this and other service lines.

Contact Baldwin Publishing to learn more about how to license our library of bariatric health and wellness content.